About the breed



The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever has been developed in Nova Scotia (Canada) in the early 19th century to flush and retrieve waterfowl.


A highly intelligent, agile and persistent dog, ready to work at any time. A strong and good swimmer with an innate desire to retrieve both on land and in water. Toller is a dog with high sensitivity and quite high excitability.


A well-muscled medium-sized dog with medium to strong bones. The coat is of medium length, rather straight. It consists of a water-resistant topcoat and a dense undercoat.

Height and weight

  • male older than 18 months: 48-51 cm
  • bitch older than 18 months: 45-48 cm

FCI Classification:

  • Group 8 – Retrievers, flushers, water dogs
  • Section 1 – Retrievers
  • FCI  Standard nr 312/05.02.1999/GB

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